Chapter 2 - Isoparametric elements

Isoparametric elements are introduced in this chapter because these elements are very important to application of complex shapes of domains. A numerical integration technique called Gauss-Lagrange is also discussed along with isoparametric elements.

Isoparametric elements use mathematical mapping from one coordinate system into another coordinate system, with the first being called the physical - and the second one natural coordinate system. The problem topology is provided in the physical coordinate system (can be called $xyz$-axis). Element shape functions are defined in terms of the natural coordinate system, denoted with $\xi \eta \zeta$-axis. Thus, mapping is needed between the two coordinate systems.

First, we discuss a one-dimensional isoparametric element to discuss the basics of isoparametric elements. Multi-dimensional elements will be discussed later. Shape functions for the isoparametric elements are given as terms of natural coordinates as seen in the following figure. Nodes are located at $\xi_{1}=-1$ and $\xi_{2}=1$. While the positions are arbitrary, selecting the previous values is useful, because the _natural_ coordinate system is normalized between −1 and 1.

Element in natural coordinate
Element in physical coordinate

The shape function is written as






The physical linear element may be located at any position in the physical coordinate system. The element has two coordinate values $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$, with two nodal variables $u_{1}$ and $u_{2}$.

Any point between $\xi_{1}=-1$ and $\xi_{2}=1$ in the _natural_ coordinate system can be mapped onto a point between $x_{1}$ and $x_{2}$ in the _physical_ coordinate system using the shape functions defined in Eqs. (1) and (2).

$$x=H_{1}(\xi) x_{1}+H_{2}(\xi) x_{2}$$


The shape functions are also used to interpolate the variable $ u $ within the element as

$$x=H_{1}(\xi) u_{1}+H_{2}(\xi) u_{2}$$

If the shape functions are used for geometric mapping as well as nodal variable interpolation, the element is called isoparametric element.

To compute $ \frac{d u}{d x} $, which is necessary in most of the cases to compute element matrices, we use the chain rule as

$$\begin{array}{l}{\frac{d u}{d x}=\frac{d H_{1}(\xi)}{d x} u_{1}+\frac{d H_{2}(\xi)}{d x} u_{2}} \\ {=\frac{d H_{1}(\xi)}{d \xi} \frac{d \xi}{d x} u_{1}+\frac{d H_{2}(\xi)}{d \xi} \frac{d \xi}{d x} u_{2}}\end{array}$$


where we require $ \frac{d \xi}{d x} $ which is the inverse of $ \frac{d x}{d \xi} $. We can compute the latter from Eq.(3).

The Jacobian becomes

$$J=\frac{d x}{d \xi}=\frac{d H_{1}(\xi)}{d \xi} x_{1}+\frac{d H_{2}(\xi)}{d \xi} x_{2}=\frac{1}{2}\left(x_{2}-x_{1}\right)$$


Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (5) results in

$$\frac{d u}{d x}=-\frac{1}{x_{2}-x_{1}} u_{1}+\frac{1}{x_{2}-x_{1}} u_{2}$$


Derivatives of shape functions with respect to physical coordinate system are

$$\frac{d H_{1}(\xi)}{d x}=-\frac{1}{x_{2}-x_{1}}=-\frac{1}{h_{i}}$$


$$\frac{d H_{2}(\xi)}{d x}=\frac{1}{x_{2}-x_{1}}=\frac{1}{h_{i}}$$


where $ h_{i}=\left(x_{2}-x_{1}\right) $ is the element size in the _physical_ coordinate system.

At this point, the isoparamteric element does not seem to have an advantage over the conventional element because the isoparamteric element requires more steps such as applying the chain rule and mapping. The major advantage of isoparametric elements comes when analytical integration to compute element stiffness matrices and system vectors is either complicated or impossible. This is when element shapes are not regular or differential equations are complex. Therefore, we need a numerical integration technique. Because each isoparamteric element is defined in terms of the normalized domain $\xi_{1}=-1$ and $ \xi_{2}=1 $, it is easier to apply any numerical integration technique.

Triangular and quadrilateral finite elements make it possible for the direct assembly of the stiffness matrices and vectors of nodal forces. The calculation of the shape functions and assembly of the stiffness matrices for quadrilateral and higher order elements are achieved with using isoparametric elements.

The construction of trial solution over a finite element must satisfy the requirements of the problem to solve the geometry of the element. Depending on the type of the problem a trial solution must be continuous, and its derivative must exist (such as a bar problem) or the trial solution and its first derivative must be continuous, and its second derivative must exist (beam problem) and so on.

The compatibility principle, thus, can be formulated as:

  • Class $ C^{0} $ problem, trial function must be continuous across the boundary of the elements, but not necessary its derivatives.
  • Class $ C^{1} $ problem, both the trial function and its first-order derivatives must be continuous across the boundary of the elements, but not necessary its second-order derivatives.
  • Class $ C^{n} $ problem, the trial function and its $ (n-1)^{\mathrm{th}} $ order derivatives must be continuous across the boundary, but not necessary its $ n^{\text { th }} $ order derivatives.

When the size of an element shrinks to zero, the trail function must be able to represent:

  • Class $ C^{0} $ problem, a constant value of the exact function as well as constant values of its first-order derivatives.
  • Class $ C^{1} $ problem, a constant value of the exact function as well as constant values of its first- and second order derivatives.
  • Class $ C^{n} $ problem, a constant value of the exact function as well as constant values of its derivatives up until the $ n^{\text { th }} $ order.

These conditions (compatibility and completeness) are sufficient to ensure that the finite element solution converges to the exact solution. However, the solutions obtained with the finite element method are only approximations to the exact solutions, therefore it is worthwhile to understand these principles to assess the accuracy or make a diagnosis of a finite element model.

II.1 Quadrilateral elements

Shape functions for a bilinear isoparametric element are:

$$H_{1}(\xi, \eta)=\frac{1}{4}(1-\xi)(1-\eta)$$


$$H_{2}(\xi, \eta)=\frac{1}{4}(1+\xi)(1-\eta)$$


$$H_{3}(\xi, \eta)=\frac{1}{4}(1+\xi)(1+\eta)$$


$$H_{4}(\xi, \eta)=\frac{1}{4}(1-\xi)(1+\eta)$$


The shape functions are defined in terms of normalized natural domain $ -1 \leq \xi \leq 1 $ and $ -1 \leq \eta \leq 1 $.

The element shape is a square in the natural coordinate system, it can be mapped into a general quadrilateral shape with distortions. When this is undertaken, the relative positions of nodal points should be consistent between the two elements in the natural and physical domains. In other words, successive path in counter clockwise direction should be the same for node numbers should be the same in natural and physical coordinates. A point $ (\xi, \eta) $ within the natural element is mapped into a point $ (x, y) $ within the physical element using the shape functions:

$$x=\sum_{i=1}^{4} H_{i}(\xi, \eta) x_{i}$$


$$y=\sum_{i=1}^{4} H_{i}(\xi, \eta) y_{i}$$


where $ x_{i} $ and $ y_{i} $ are the coordinate values of the $ i^{t h} $ node.

Any physical variable can be interpolated using the same shape functions:

$$u=\sum_{i=1}^{4} H_{i}(\xi, \eta) u_{i}$$


where $ u_{i} $ is the nodal variable of $ i^{\mathrm{th}} $ node.

Bilinear element in natural coordinate (Source: Kwon Y. W., Hyochoong Bang)
Bilinear element in physical coordinate (Source: Kwon Y. W., Hyochoong Bang)

If we want to assemble system matrices, then we need to compute $ \frac{\partial H_{i}(\xi, \eta)}{\partial x} $ and $ \frac{\partial H_{i}(\xi, \eta)}{\partial y} $. In order to do it, we use the chain again.

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial \xi}=\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \frac{\partial x}{\partial \xi}+\frac{\partial}{\partial y} \frac{\partial y}{\partial \xi}$$


$$\frac{\partial}{\partial \eta}=\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \frac{\partial x}{\partial \eta}+\frac{\partial}{\partial y} \frac{\partial y}{\partial \eta}$$


Rewriting these in matrix form:

{ ξ η } = [ x ξ y ξ x η y η ] { x y }


The derivative shown of the left side column vector is called local derivative, while in the right side it is called global derivative. The square matrix is called the Jacobian and is denoted as for a 2-D case:

[ J ] = [ J 11 J 12 J 21 J 22 ] = [ x ξ y ξ x η y η ]


The Jacobian can be easily extended for three-dimensional domain too.

The inverse of the Jacobian is denoted as:

[ R ] = [ J ] 1 = [ R 11 R 12 R 21 R 22 ]


We can rewrite Eq. (19) as

{ x y } = [ R 11 R 12 R 21 R 22 ] { ξ η }


Derivatives of the shape functions with respect to $x$ and $y$ can be obtained from the above equation:

{ H i x H i y } = [ R 11 R 12 R 21 R 22 ] { H i ξ H i η }


To be able to invert the Jacobian, its determinant cannot be 0 or negative. This can be achieved by using counter-clockwise order of nodes.

Other popular quadrilateral elements are eight-node isoparametric elements. Their shape functions are:

{ x y } = [ R 11 R 12 R 21 R 22 ] { ξ η }


Derivatives of the shape functions with respect to $x$ and $y$ can be obtained from the above equation:

{ H i x H i y } = [ R 11 R 12 R 21 R 22 ] { H i ξ H i η }


To be able to invert the Jacobian, its determinant cannot be 0 or negative. This can be achieved by using counter-clockwise order of nodes.

Other popular quadrilateral elements are eight-node isoparametric elements. Their shape functions are:
















Eight-node quadrilateral element in natural coordinate (Source: Young W. K., Hyochoong B.)

II.2 Triangular elements

Triangular element in natural coordinate

As quadrilateral elements isoparametric elements, triangular isoparametric elements can be defined also. In terms of natural coordinate system, we have the shape functions as







In case of the quadratic higher order triangle we have the shape functions written as

$$H_{1}=(1-\xi-\eta)(1-2 \xi-2 \eta)$$


$$H_{1}=(1-\xi-\eta)(1-2 \xi-2 \eta)$$


$$H_{3}=\eta(2 \eta-1)$$


$$H_{4}=4 \xi(1-\xi-\eta)$$


$$H_{5}=4 \xi \eta$$


$$H_{2}=4 \eta(1-\xi-\eta)$$

Quadratic six-node triangular element in natural coordinate (Source:Young K. W., Hyochoong B.)

II.3 Gauss integration

When we use analytical integration to express the theorem of virtual work during the evaluation of the stiffness matrix of an element of for ex. a beam, we have an easy task, because the beam element is unidimensional. However, when the number of elements is large, and their geometrical shape is general, as is the case of most of the finite element application, the use of analytical integration becomes difficult or outright impossible, and furthermore not well suited for coding. In this case we can use numerical integration.

Gauss-Legendre is such a numerical integration method, the most widely used and the most precise.

An integral is defined as:

$$\int_{a}^{b} f(x) d x=\lim _{n \rightarrow \infty} \sum_{i=1}^{n} f\left(x_{i}\right) d x_{i}$$


The basic idea is to replace the continuous integral with a series of finite sums.

Gauss-Lagrange integration (Source: Young K. W, Hyochoong B.)

We can approximate (43) as

$$\int_{a}^{a} f(x) d x \approx \sum_{i=1}^{N} f\left(x_{i}\right) \Delta x_{i}$$


where $ N $ is a finite number.

Rewritten in general way,

$$\int_{a}^{a} f(x) d x \approx \sum_{i=1}^{M} f\left(x_{i}\right) W_{i}$$


where $ M $ is the number of integration points, $ x_{i} $ is the integration point (sampling point) and $ W_{i} $ is the weighting coefficient. The weighting coefficient is the width of the rectangular strip whose height is $ f\left(x_{i}\right) $. Any numerical integration may be expressed in this form. To derive the standard values for sampling points and weights, the integration domain is normalized such that $ -1 \leq x \leq 1 $. Gauss-Legendre quadrature is useful for integrating polynomial functions. It can integrate polynomial function of order 2n-1 using n-point quadrature exactly. Sampling points and weighting coefficients are given in the following tables.

If the integrand is not a polynomial expression, Gauss quadrature an approximate result. In this case, an optimal number of integration points should be selected in consideration of accuracy and computational cost.

The quadrature rule can be extended for multi-dimensional integration. For a 2-D example of a normalized domain:

$$ \begin{aligned} & \int_{-1}^{1} \int_{-1}^{1} f(\xi, \eta) d \xi d \eta=\int_{-1}^{1} \sum_{i=1}^{M_{1}} W_{i} f\left(\xi_{i}, \eta\right) d \eta \\
=& \sum_{j=1}^{M_{2}} W_{j} \sum_{I=1}^{M_{1}} W_{i} f\left(\xi_{i}, \eta_{i}\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{M_{1}} \sum_{j=1}^{M_{2}} W_{i} W_{j} f\left(\xi_{i}, \eta_{i}\right) \end{aligned} $$

Sampling point and weights in Gauss quadrature (Source: Young K. W., Hyochoong B.)

As we have seen Gauss quadrature evaluates single integrals between −1 and +1, double integrals over a quadrilateral, and triple integral over a cube. For example, to evaluate an integral over a quadrilateral, it is necessary to transform the quadrilateral into a reference element over which the integration can be carried out.

Evaluating the integral $ \int_{A} f(x, y) dA $ over a quadrilateral area looks like:

Using isoparametric elements, writing $ x $ and $ y $ in terms of $ \xi $ and $ \eta $ as

$$x(\xi, \eta)=N_{1}(\xi, \eta) x_{1}+N_{2}(\xi, \eta) x_{2}+N_{3}(\xi, \eta) x_{3}+N_{4}(\xi, \eta) x_{4}$$


$$y(\xi, \eta)=N_{1}(\xi, \eta) y_{1}+N_{2}(\xi, \eta) y_{2}+N_{3}(\xi, \eta) y_{3}+N_{4}(\xi, \eta) y_{4}$$


shape functions are denoted in the place of $ H_{i} $ with $ N_{i}(\xi, \eta) $ and are given in Chapter II.1.

Using the equation of the Jacobian of the transformation to express elementary area $ d A = dxdy $ in terms of the corresponding elementary area $ d \xi d \eta $ of the reference element

$$d x d y=\operatorname{det}[J] d \xi d \eta$$


Constructing nodal approximation for the function using its nodal values

$$f(\xi, \eta)=\sum_{i=1}^{n} N_{i}(\xi, \eta) f_{i}$$


Finally, we get the integral

$$I=\int_{-1}^{+1} \int_{-1}^{+1}\left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} N_{i}(\xi, \eta) f_{i}\right) \operatorname{det}[J] d \xi d \eta$$
